Botox and Dermal Fillers Banned for Under 18s in England

Cosmetic Botox and Dermal fillers procedures were banned for under-18s in England on Friday 1st October 2021 in England after a surge in young people wanting an 'Instagram Face'.

On Friday 1st October 2021 new legislation was enacted making it an offence in England to have an appointment to discuss or administer Botulinum Toxin or dermal fillers for a cosmetic purpose to children (anyone under the age of 18 years). The Botulinum Toxin and Cosmetic Fillers (Children) Act 2021 CHAPTER 19 published on April 2021 states any injectable procedure which affects the appearance of the child will be deemed an offense.

The Department of Health and Social Care has stated failure to comply with the law "could result in a criminal prosecution and an unlimited fine".

The law applies to individuals and businesses in England including "regulated health professionals" which include:

  1. a registered nurse;
  2. a registered dentist within the meaning of the Dentists Act 1984;
  3. a registered pharmacist within the meaning of the Pharmacy Order 2010;
  4. a registered person within the meaning of the Pharmacy (Northern Ireland)

Even if the under 18 does not live in England, no-one is allowed to perform the cosmetic procedure on them whilst they visit.

If you wish to read more about this legislation The Department of Health & Social Care have a publication called "Botulinum toxin and cosmetic fillers for under 18s" on the UK Government website.

AnnaLouise Registered Independent Nurse Prescriber

A word from AnnaLouise

The introduction of this legislation is a great thing. It is designed to safeguard vulnerable young people who are still developing both physically and mentally. Limitations on cosmetic procedures available will help protect minors from the potential health risks with botulinum toxins and cosmetic fillers.

Botulinum Toxin (Botox) is a prescription-only medicine and should only be administered by a registered and trained health professional such as nurses who have completed a patient assessment.

AnnaLouise at Nurse Cosmetics has never performed cosmetic procedures on under 18s and always declines to perform unusual appearance altering requests from clients.

For anybody looking to get Botox or Fillers, make sure you go to a reputable anti-ageing clinic such as Nurse Cosmetics and do a lot of research about the procedure beforehand. If you have questions about the treatment arrange a consultation with the practitioner beforehand which are often free. AnnaLouise always offers a free initial consultation to discuss treatments.