"Baby Botox" for more natural-looking results

Botox is administered in smaller amounts along the crow's feet and forehead to prevent a "frozen" look and stills allow movement of the injected muscles.

A big driver for this new approach also known as Micro-Botox has come from clients who are new to the Botox scene. They want to look rejuvenated and refreshed but not look like they've "had anything done".

Baby Botox uses the same strength botulinum toxin but in smaller micro doses. So instead of using 10 units in an area only 5 may be used. Some patients ask for only half the dose to give a more natural look with the ability to still show expression. Micro doses can be performed anywhere on the face but it's best when applied in the right areas. When someone has deep lines micro-botox won't offer the same level of wrinkle reduction as a full dose.

Typically Baby Botox is for patients in their 20s and 30s. Some clients in their early 20s are starting to have micro-doses aiming to prevent the wrinkles before they form.

Typically a Botox treatment is performed in three to five month intervals where Baby Botox is performed far more regularly. Some now like to have monthly maintenance appointments.

Having micro doses doesn't necessarily mean the treatment will cost less than the traditional as the prices often reflect the time and skillset to perform the treatments. So having a tailored treatment plan from a registered health professional might be more costly. Before making any decisions it's best to speak to a trained healthcare professional such as AnnaLouise at Nurse Cosmetics who will be able to advise you on your treatment course and the likely costs.

AnnaLouse Independent Nurse Prescriber

A word from AnnaLouise

This latest trend in Botox injectables has emerged from Hollywood where actors and actresses needed to look younger and refreshed but still maintain their ability to show expression.

Having micro-doses of Botulinum Toxin (botox) will mean you have more regular injections of the toxin. As the toxin is produced by a bacteria there is a small risk that the body may develop an immune response to the injections. This would result in the treatment becoming ineffective as the toxin would be broken down quicker in the body. Studies have suggested this only happens on 0.5% of patients though after about 10 years of treatment.

As with any treatment it's very important to understand exactly what you're looking to achieve and not just following the latest Instagram trends. If having micro-botox "Baby Botox" is something you feel you'd prefer to have over the traditional anti-wrinkle treatment method you should have a consultation with a registered health professional to discuss what you can expect from the treatment and the likely costs. AnnaLouise offers a free consultation, so if you would like to discuss your treatment options you can contact her from the contact page.